Chapter 2

The SELECT Statement SELECT * FROM product LIMIT 5 SELECT market_date, vendor_id, booth_number FROM vendor_booth_assignments ORDER BY market_date, vendor_id LIMIT 5 SELECT market_date, customer_id, vendor_id, quantity * cost_to_customer_per_qty AS price FROM...

Chapter 3

The WHERE Clause SELECT product_id, product_name, product_category_id FROM product WHERE product_category_id = 1 LIMIT 5 SELECT market_date, customer_id, vendor_id, product_id, quantity, quantity * cost_to_customer_per_qty AS price FROM customer_purchases WHERE...

Chapter 4

CASE Statements SELECT vendor_id, vendor_name, vendor_type, CASE WHEN LOWER(vendor_type) LIKE '%fresh%' THEN 'Fresh Produce' ELSE 'Other' END AS vendor_type_condensed FROM vendor SELECT market_date, CASE WHEN market_day = 'Saturday' OR market_day = 'Sunday' THEN 1...

Chapter 5

SQL Joins SELECT * FROM product LEFT JOIN product_category ON product.product_category_id = product_category. product_category_id SELECT p.product_id, p.product_name, pc.product_category_id, pc.product_category_name FROM product AS p LEFT JOIN product_category AS pc...

Chapter 6

Aggregating Results for Analysis SELECT market_date, customer_id, COUNT(*) AS items_purchased FROM customer_purchases GROUP BY market_date, customer_id ORDER BY market_date, customer_id LIMIT 10 SELECT market_date, customer_id, SUM(quantity) AS items_purchased,...

Here, you will find example queries that correspond to each SQL for Data Scientists chapter, so you can copy and paste them into the online interactive SQL editor below and try modifying them yourself, for practice.

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Note: The SQL provided in the book is formatted for MySQL databases. This online editor uses a SQLite database, so the queries on this website may differ slightly from the book. To download MySQL Workbench and try the queries as written in the book, download the support files from the publisher’s website (under Downloads) and follow the included instructions.

Remaining Chapters

More Chapter SQL Coming Soon!


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